Hillingdon Natural History Society

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Species Recording in Harefield Place Nature Reserve

For consistent recording it would be helpful if you used this form. (Print in portrait mode on A4 paper)
An excel version is here if you prefer to do it all electronically.
Please use a separate sheet for each recorder.
Please fill in all your sightings. If you count how many there are, then fill in the count column, if not just put a * in the column.
Example records are shown below.

Date Location Recorder's Name Common Name Count
20/04/07 North Wood Meadow Alan Rix Cowslip *
21/04/07 South Wood Bird Hide Alan Rix Coot 7

The form can be used for all wildlife - plants, animals, reptiles, birds etc...

We look forward to receiving your forms attached in an e-mail to Records at Hillingdon Natural History Society.
or you can simply type the records into an e-mail.

Many thanks for helping us find out about the wildlife in our Reserve.

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Last modified 10th March 2009